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Promotor of PhD Theses

Tshishimbi Muya Jules (2012). The boron conundrum: the viability of large hollow boron cages, 206 pp.

Michielssens, Servaas (2011). Computational chemistry of conformational dynamics and reactivity of biomolecules: anti-HIV active phosphoramidates and the development of enhanced sampling algorithms, 164 pp.

Moors, Sam (2008). Conformational freedom of chromophores in proteins by molecular modeling, 209 pp.

Lijnen, Erwin (2005). When topology meets chemistry: the polyhedral state of molecular structures and processes, 291 pp.

Compernolle, Steven (2004). Nanotubes, nanocones and nanocages: geometry-electronic structure relations in carbon alotropes, 294 pp.

Somers, Ken (2003). Modelling chromophores in proteins: from indole to tryptophan, 173 pp.

Bovin, Sven (2001). Electronic structure of carbon toroids and schwarzites and the influence of magnetic fields and elastic deformations, 127 pp.

Titeca, Bruno (2000). Theoretical study of force fields, vibronic interactions and optical chirality in highly-symmetrical phthalocyanines and fullerenes, 220 pp.

Heylen, Goedele (1999). Theoretical analysis of exchange interactions in face-sharing bioctahedral complexes of Ti(III), Cr(III), and Co(II), 191 pp.

Maes, Tom (1997). Theoretische studie van moleculair ferro- en antiferromagnetisme, 144 pp. (Theoretical study of molecular ferro- and antiferro-magnetism),

Goijens, Geert (1995). Theoretische studie van isomerisatie-mechanismen in dicarba-nonaboraan (9), 145 pp. (Theoretical study of isomerisation mechanisms in dicarba-nonaborane (9)).

Vandenberghe, Geert (1995). Theoretische studie van twee-foton overgangen in kubische lanthanide-verbindingen, pp. 207 (Theoretical study of two-photon transitions in cubic lanthanide complexes).

Vos, Ingrid (1993). Clustervibraties en sferische trillingen: ontwikkeling van een theoretisch model, en toepassing op het closo-dodecaboraandianion en buckminsterfullereen, 214 pp. (Cluster vibrations and spherical oscilations: development of a theoretical model, and application to closo-dodecaborane and buckminsterfullerene).

Coninckx, Brigitte (1991). Synthese en spectrale karakterisatie van geconjugeerde macrocyclsiche transitie-metaal complexen, 165 pp. (Synthesis and spectral characterisation of macrocyclic transition-metal complexes).

Bongaerts, Nadine (1990). Theoretische studie van de statische en dynamische symmetrieverlaging in de aangeslagen toestanden van Chroom(III)complexen, 248 pp. (Theoretical study of static and dynamic symmetry breaking in the excited states of Cr(III) complexes).

Vanhecke, Marina (1989). Synthese, kristalstruktuur en g-factor anisotropie van tetra-imine macrocyclische Co(II), Ni(II) en Cu(II) komplexen, 111 pp. (Synthesis, crystal structure and g-factor anisotropy of tetra-ime macrocyclic Co(II), Ni(II) and Cu(II) complexes).

Beyens, Danny (1983). Een theoretische analyse van struktuur en fotoreactiviteit van transitie-metaalkomplexen, 253 pp. (Theoretical analysis of structure and photo-reactivity of transition-metal complexes) 

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